Twilight DVD Events

Join us for two events celebrating the release of Twilight on DVD

On Friday, 3/20 we will be at the Borders in McHenry for a Midnight Release Party from 10pm to midnight

On Sunday, 3/22 we will be showing Twilight at 1 pm. For ages 13 and up.

ABE Award Winner

Here's the news you've been waiting for -- the winner, and runners-up, for the 2009 Abe Award:

1st place —Crank by Ellen Hopkins

2nd place—Such a Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess

3rd place —Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Thanks to all those who helped choose the winner!

Anime Review Board

Remember the Anime Review Board meets this Thursday, 2/26 at 7:30 pm. If you enjoy Anime and are at least 13 yrs old, consider joining us!


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